ART EXHIBIT Available Here


Guernica - Picasso, P

Black and white original graphics are available for traveling exhibit that facilitates educational goals. These graphics are by recognized masters from the last 400 years, and depict various suicidal themes, which are listed in Art and the Wish to die(1983 Buy items at cost : prices and info

All are framed for presentation and have been exhibited in various centers.

Proposals are invited from host organizations capable of mounting a traveling exhibit. Describe the host organization, and specify the educational goals, tentative time, place and length of exhibit. There are no fees for this collection although the hosts are expected to pay for the expenses of all arrangments. An estimated budget would help to describe the project. Applications welcome anytime.

Images by artists who died in a suicidal mode.

Artist Art Description
to see the Picture
Van Gough Crows over the wheat field
Lehmbruk Kneeling woman
Kirschner The forest
Gorky unknown title
De Stael The Blue Studio abstract
Rothko Red on Red abstract, (b&w)
Seymour "Better luck next time"
Mother Landscape, tree on left

Images to illustrate the range of visual art material :

Kahlo Three images of woman falling from building
Wallis Young man laying on couch, papers on floor
Anon Haman & sons; 12 men hanging from tree
Anon Ouroburos-snake that eats its tail
Anon Krissing, 3 men with knives
Anon Image for IASP meeting in Mexico City
Anon Yarn painting of Mexican Magic Eye

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